Outside Temp | 72.8°F |
Wind Chill | 72.8°F |
Heat Index | 72.8°F |
Dewpoint | 24.0°F |
Humidity | 16% |
Barometer | 29.213 inHg |
Bar. Trend (3 hours) | -0.137 inHg |
Wind | 1 mph from 22° (NNE) |
Rain Rate | 0.00 in/hr |
Inside Temp | 69.7°F |
UV | 2.9 |
ET | 0.02 in |
High Temp | 74.2°F at 12:06:44 |
Low Temp | 46.1°F at 07:05:23 |
High Heat Index | 74.2°F at 12:06:44 |
Low Wind Chill | 46.1°F at 07:05:23 |
High Humidity | 39% at 07:07:33 |
Low Humidity | 12% at 02:41:03 |
High Dewpoint | 30.0°F at 12:00:56 |
Low Dewpoint | 7.3°F at 04:00:29 |
High Barometer | 29.457 inHg at 00:11:03 |
Low Barometer | 29.210 inHg at 12:58:04 |
Today's Rain | 0.00 in |
High Rain Rate | 0.00 in/hr at 00:00:04 |
High Wind | 17 mph from 0° (N) at 02:15:27 |
Average Wind | 2 mph |
RMS Wind | 3 mph |
Vector Average Speed | 1 mph |
Vector Average Direction | 289° (WNW) |
High Inside Temp | 71.1°F at 00:00:04 |
Low Inside Temp | 65.2°F at 10:00:01 |
High UV | Low UV |
6.5 at 12:32:40 | 0.0 at 00:00:04 |
High ET | Low ET |
0.02 in at 12:00:00 | 0.00 in at 00:01:00 |
High Radiation | Low Radiation |
1027 W/m² at 12:39:20 | 0 W/m² at 00:00:04 |
Start civil twilight: | 05:53:29 | |
Sunrise: | 06:22:12 | |
Transit: | 13:00:59 | |
Sunset: | 19:40:27 | |
End civil twilight: | 20:09:17 | |
Azimuth: | 179.5° | |
Altitude: | $("%.1f°" % $almanac.sun.altitude) | |
Right ascension: | 24.4° | |
Declination: | 10.1° | |
Solstice: | 06/20/24 14:51:01 | |
Equinox: | 09/22/24 06:43:29 |
Rise: | 11:40:53 |
Transit: | 19:34:03 |
Set: | 02:39:43 |
Azimuth: | 66.6° |
Altitude: | 11.9° |
Right ascension: | 120.1° |
Declination: | 25.4° |
Full moon: | 04/23/24 17:48:53 |
New moon: | 05/07/24 21:21:50 |
Phase: | First quarter (50% full) |
Location |
Boulder, Colorado |
Latitude: |
40° 01.94' N |
Longitude: |
105° 17.19' W |
Elevation: |
5469 feet |
This station uses a Vantage Pro2, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
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